Biolink iOS - Free Blogger Template for Bio Instagram and Tiktok

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Biolink iOS - Free Blogger Template for Bio Instagram and Tiktok

Biolink iOS is a blogger theme for a collection of various types of social media links, starting from Instagram, Tiktok, Affiliate, and other social media networks.

This template is designed to be as easy as possible to use without having to understand any code. You just do this by sliding the widget and placing it wherever you want.

Biolink iOS is designed with complete features. There are various choices of social media icons and you can also change the theme color according to the specified color.

You can also install a paid domain, where Biolink currently uses many second party domains. Only with the Biolink blogspot theme does your Biolink appearance look more professional than most other biolinks.

Biolink Features

  • SEO Frendly and Optimaze by Google
  • Responsive to all screen sizes
  • Supports all languages from Blogger
  • There are no subscription fees
  • Can use a domain or subdomain
  • It's free with no limit on the number of biolink websites created.
  • Connect with the Subscribe from button Paypal.
  • Connect with MailChimp Email for Customers.
  • A choice of Google Font types is available.
  • Unlimited Theme Widgets
  • The template is light and fast to access.
  • Buttons use thumbnail or no thumbnail icons
  • Background templates available
  • Icon iOS 16
  • All settings are available in the layout menu.
  • Customized meta tags
  • The template does not support writing articles for Free Version.
  • Social media sharing buttons
  • Customizable layout drag and drop widgets.
  • Widget contact form for Pro version
  • Widget for Affiliate product Pro version


Please note that there is no support by submitting a request through our Support Portal. Suggestions and input are accepted via comments on this Website only.

You can support us by following the account Instagram Temabanua and this website to encourage us to provide blogger templates high quality and free.

This template can only be applied on

Biolink iOS adalah tema blogger untuk kumpulan berbagai macam jenis tautan sosial media Anda, mulai dari Instagram, Tiktok, Affiliate, dan jejaring sosial media lainnya.

Template ini dirancang dengan semudah mungkin untuk digunakan tanpa harus memahami kode apapun. Anda cukup melakukan nya dengan widget geser dan letakan dimanapun yang Anda inginkan.

Biolink iOS dirancang dengan fitur yang lengkap, Tersedia berbagai macam pilihan ikon media sosial dan warna tema juga bisa Anda rubah sesuai warna yang ditentukan.

Anda juga dapat memasang domain berbayar yang mana Biolink saat ini banyak menggunakan domain pihak kedua. Hanya dengan tema Biolink blogspot semua tampilan Biolink Anda menjadi terlihat lebih propesional dari kebanyakan biolink lainnya.

Fitur Biolink

  • SEO Frendly dan Optimaze dari Google
  • Responsif semua ukuran layar
  • Mendukung semua bahasa dari Blogger
  • Tidak ada biaya langganan
  • Bisa pakai domain berbayar
  • Gratis tanpa ada batasan jumlah website biolink yang dibuat.
  • Terhubung dengan tombol Berlangganan dari Paypal.
  • Terhubung dengan MailChimp Email untuk Pelanggan.
  • Tersedia pilihan jenis Font Google.
  • Widget Tema tanpa batasan
  • Template ringan dan cepat saat di akses.
  • Tombol menggunakan ikon gambar atau tanpa gambar
  • Tersedia Latar belakang Template
  • Ikon iOS 16
  • Semua pengaturan tersedia di menu tata letak.
  • Meta tag disesuaikan
  • Template tidak mendukung untuk penulisan artikel.
  • Tombol berbagi media sosial
  • Widget sistem letak dan geser disesuaikan.


Harap dicatat bahwa tidak ada dukungan dengan mengajukan permintaan melalui Portal Dukungan kami. Saran dan masukan diterima melalui komentar Website ini saja.

Anda dapat mendukung kami dengan mengikuti akun Instagram Temabanua dan website ini untuk mendorong kami menyediakan template blogger yang berkualitas dan gratis.

Template ini hanya bisa di aplikasikan di

Changelog :

Version 1.0.0 - Desember 13, 2023 - Release

Version 2.0.0 - Desember 21, 2023 - Add blog post - Add widget contact form - Add affiliate product

Version 3.0.0 - Januari 1, 2024 - Add AMP Version - Support Web story from AMP
Download it free

This item is Free available on 100 Download! By downloading this item, you agree to the terms of the Regular License. Support and updates are not provided for free files.
Included: support template update Included: no footer credits Included: unlimited domains Included: no encrypted scripts
Price is in US dollars

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Name: Biolink iOS Creator: Rian seo File Size: 457 KB File Type: ZIP File
Compatible Browsers:

Last Update
Created 13 Desember 2023
CSS Valid Yes
Height Responsive Yes
Mobile Frendly Yes
Compatible With Blogger
Theme Files HTML Files
Documentation Well Documented
Tags portfolio, free, blogger, files, simple, mobile, landing page
price/$8.95 price2/$12.99 sales/294 Download sale/

Temabanua supports this item


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Here's a refresher on how to add some HTML magic to your comment.
  • <i rel="pre"></i> for code blocks
  • <i rel="blockquote"></i> to quote somebody
  • <i rel="code"></i> for a few words of code
  • <i rel="img">URL image<i> to paste in an image (it'll need to be hosted somewhere else though)